Sunday, July 29, 2012

Experiment and Explore

The Human Design chart is really a map for the entire possibility of what it means to be human. If you look at it from this perspective, it’s pretty amazing to see the potential of what we can be as a species and, of course, what is possible for us on a personal level.

We’re designed to love, be abundant, grow and evolve, take care of each other, create, experience, ponder and always sense our connection to Source. (And so much more!)

Homo sapiens has had a relatively short run on this planet. We are, in some ways, a big experiment. If you understand the mechanism for evolution that is revealed in the Human Design chart, that is absolutely true.

We can’t and don’t evolve without experimentation.

Our individual lives are really just short “blips” on the timeline of human evolution. And yet, as we continue to grow and evolve, what we do and create with our individual lives can have lasting impact on the future lives of others.

Sometimes the experiments we launch serve a specific function, but as we continue to grow and change, we outgrow some of our previous creations. We are a pretty complex creation and the only species that I am aware of that has the potential for deliberate conscious evolution.

This level of consciousness gives us the capacity to deliberately evolve how we organize and structure ourselves.

We are actually already doing this. Rebellion and revolution are symptoms of an internal sensing that our current structures are no longer serving us.

But awareness actually empowers us to construct and deconstruct in a very conscious way. We don’t have to destroy to recreate.

It’s so easy, when something doesn’t fit anymore, to react with anger and frustration. Human Design teaches us that anger and frustration are trigger emotions that indicated we are out of balance with our creativity. Time to wait for the next right step to reveal itself…

When we are experiencing anger or frustration (or both) towards a system, it’s not personal. It’s not necessarily about a “bunch of idiots” who have screwed something up (usually). The anger and frustration we’re feeling simply show us that the system isn’t serving our needs anymore and it’s time to begin the process of discovering our better options. We’ve “out-evolved” it.

This is also true of new ideas that don’t “work”. When you understand the process of how new ideas are integrated into the collective system, most new ideas don’t “work” straight out of the shoot. The anger and frustration we experience in the face of a “failed” experiment aren’t personal, just energies that show us that the experiment might need a bit more “tweaking”.

We are designed to tweak and experiment. Experimentation, mistakes and just plain being wrong are crucial parts of the creative process that ultimately lead us to the elegant solution, if we trust the process.

Starting on August 15, I will be teaching a new teleclass series, The Solar Plexus Mutation and 2012. Yeah, it’s kind of a woo-woo title and certainly, we’ll be talking about some esoteric and mystical stuff.  (Want to learn more?  Click on the link below.) 

But, evolution is also very practical and mundane. And, as I stated before, we are the only species who can consciously evolve.

During this class we are going to not only be discussing the energetic mechanics of evolution in the Human Design chart, we’re also going to be looking at evidence that we are evolving right now and what we can do to “midwife” this process of creating a new world, a world of sustainable peace and abundance for everyone. (It’s coming!!!)

There’s a lot of talk about 2012 and the “end of the world” and even the idea of ascension and shifting.

Personally, I believe we are shifting and growing and changing. It’s the nature of being human. Certainly, the Human Design chart shows us that we are designed to evolve. But we’re here in physical form and ascension and evolving isn’t about getting off the planet and living in a higher dimension.

The coolest part about being human is being HERE in 3-D, moving the proverbial mud, doing the work…

My friend and mentor astrology teacher Sao told me once, “People look up at the stars and they think they want to go HOME. If they’d just look around, they’d see that they are HOME.”

So, if we’re home and we’re here to have this very beautifully finite 3-D experience and we are standing on the brink of a shift and we have the ability to consciously evolve, what does that mean?

That means that if we feel called to be a part of deliberately sculpting the future of the world, we have to roll our sleeves up, get messy and make mistakes. We have to set clear intentions about what we want the new world to look like. And we have to dive in and be a part of creating it. 

That means we have to make choices and decisions about the kind of government we want, education we want, relationships and legal definitions we want, food and agriculture we want, resources we want, families and communities we want…

And then we have to actively experiment and play in the creative process.

Giving ourselves permission to experiment and explore is hard. While the Human Design chart shows us that experimentation and exploration are part of our nature, we’ve been deeply conditioned by an education system that does not value experimentation and exploration.

Our education system is a great example of a collective system that we’ve “out-evolved”.

When you look at the Human Design chart you’ll notice that the chart contains lines that connect the geometric shapes. These lines are called channels.

Within the channels of the Human Design body graph lie the secrets to human behavior and evolution. Much like the electrical wiring of a house, each channel in the Human Design body graph is part of a circuit, each having its own unique function, purpose and experience.

There are three major circuit groups, the Individual, the Collective and the Tribal. Each of these circuits has a unique function in the evolution and spreading of information, values and survival strategies.

When our Western education system was first created, it was in response to the need for factory workers. Factory work is deeply rooted in the “Logical Circuit” in Human Design. The Logical Circuit is one of the Collective Circuits. 

Logical Circuit
In Human Design, Logic is all about patterns that can be consistently duplicated in order to predict future outcomes. The Scientific Process is a great example of the Logical Circuit. Scientific Methodology starts first with doubt, formulates a possibility and, after experimentation, establishes a truth based on patterns that can be validated over and over again.

Factory work is simply a consistent repetition of a pattern that gives us a consistent outcome, a product that is relatively predictable.

The education system has beautifully evolved to fit a pattern. Current trends in education are attempting to move the system towards standardization. The current education system wants to be able to mold a child’s mind by applying a consistent process that will give a predictable outcome.

Many of you may be experiencing a gut-reaction to this statement. That gut-reaction is not about the system being “bad” or filled with control-driven people who want to crush or quell your individuality. Your emotional response is simply telling you that we’ve “out-evolved” the current education system.

It’s time to experiment and explore.

Human Design shows us that there are three very clear ways of “knowing” information. There is holistic thinking (right brain), logic (left brain) and simply just knowing (mutative ideas that initiate change).

The world is engulfed in an information revolution. Industrialism no longer drives the evolving economy (that’s a WHOLE other blog post…). We now need an education system that supports the expression of new ways of thinking and knowing. The current system devalues 60% of the ways in which we are hard-wired to “know” and children who aren’t designed to be Logical are suffering in the system.

About 20% of children in the US are diagnosed with a learning disorder of some type. There are probably others who are struggling without a diagnosis. These are often the kids who don’t fit into the standardized system because they aren’t hard-wired to be “logical”. 

A right-brain dominant child learns very differently from a left-brained dominant child and the current education system does not meet the right-brained child’s learning needs at all. In fact the current education system “squashes” the right-brain dominant child.

Evolution depends on diversity. If we standardize and homogenize the way in which we think, we crush the possibility of innovation and evolution.

I don’t have the solution. I’m not sure anyone has The Solution at the moment. But it is time to experiment with and explore what might be next. (It’s also time to stop hurting children who don’t fit into the system by labeling and medicating them. These kids might actually be the initiators of something fabulous and world-changing if we don’t squash them!)

It is time for us, as part of the conscious evolutionary process, to start dialoging about what we want and what we intend.

Everything is changing.


I hope you’ll join me for my new class as we continue this very exciting conversation… 

And in the meantime, if you want to fire up your brain, get excited and play with possibilities, here’s a link to a very cool interview with Sir Ken Robinson on Ted Radio: 




Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I haven’t written a good blog post in a while. I’ve been busy working on my new book (coming soon…!!) but the inspiration has been driving me crazy so I decided to take a break and write something a little different.

When I worked for Human Design America almost 10 years ago, my boss, Mary Ann Winiger, used to always talk about “The Program”. She said those two little words, “The Program”, with such reverence. She would almost whisper them with awe.

Frankly, I didn’t know what the heck “The Program” was. I was new to living in Sedona and if you’ve ever lived in Sedona (or someplace like it), you know that there are a bunch of secret esoteric vocabulary words being tossed around by people all the time and I just wanted to look like I fit in.

So, Mary Ann would whisper, “The Program” and I would muster up that same awed expression and nod knowingly. “Yes,” I would agree, “The Program”….

It has taken me until recently to figure out exactly what Mary Ann meant by “The Program”. As is my usual experience with Human Design, I was walking along like a normal person, thinking normal thoughts at the grocery store, when out of the blue the revelation of what Mary Ann meant by “The Program” smacked me out of my somnambulistic shopping stupor and knocked me back into hyper-inspired awareness. (Why does this always happen at the grocery store or in the shower???)

Let me try to translate the epiphany that I had at the grocery store into plain English.

We are born to be abundant. It’s how we are hard-wired. The circuitry of our Being is programmed to move us towards experiences and opportunities that support us in creating the perfect abundance for us. This constant potential movement towards abundance is the Program.

It’s kind of like this. We are like high-speed trains. We are designed to travel through life quickly, smoothly and steady on-course for our destiny with little friction. The Program is the magnetic rail for the high-speed train.

(If you want to learn more about this, scroll down and read my blog post: Human Design and the Promise of Abundance.)

The cool part about the Program is that we always have the option to “jump the tracks”.

As we experience life, we are influenced by other people’s beliefs, energies and collective consciousness. From these influences, we form our own thoughts and beliefs that create our life experiences. Sometimes these thoughts, beliefs and energies take us off the “high road” of abundance and make us feel like we’re driving our high-speed train on a gravel road. (Uphill. Backwards. With a blind fold on.)

The more off the Program we live, the more pain we experience in our life.

When we stop living the truth of who we are, the role we are designed to live out in the Program, we experience pain in our life. That pain is simply our Higher Self giving us a warning signal that we’re operating off the Program.

The Human Design chart is like a story board for your life. Your chart shows the character, the role and the plot for your life. In the chart there is drama, conflict and themes to consciously evolve. The chart reveals your unique path to a successful abundant life.

Your Human Design is your interface with the Program. Knowing your Human Design helps you find your way back to your natural state of abundance and restores your place in the Program.

Today is the Fourth of July. In America this is a day when we celebrate freedom.

One of the things that make us a truly unique creation on this planet is our ability to deliberately choose to evolve. Theoretically, we all have the ability to consciously choose to evolve and create in the world.

Of course, even though this is truth in theory, it is not yet a conscious and awakened possibility for many people on the planet. Many of our Divine Siblings are struggling to experience freedom of choice, safety and abundance on every level.

The Program promises that we will continue to grow and evolve towards this level of conscious awareness and freedom. The Human Design chart shows us that in the energetic blueprint of humanity, democracy is a highly evolved form of government, suffering is not normal and we are all designed to experience abundance in every way.

To me, Independence Day is about celebrating the steps we’ve taken to move towards expressing the highest potential for humanity. If you look at the span of the history of mankind, we’ve come a long way!

But we still have a ways to go.

Many people in my practice are seeking their Life Purpose. Because I am blessed to attract some of the most compassionate, caring people in the world, my clients want to know what they can do to make a difference in the world and how they can best be of service.

My answer is always simple. Get with the Program.

The first step you must take to make the world a better place is to fulfill your destiny in the Program.

(My students are probably sick of this analogy. If you’ve heard it before…bear with me….)

Humanity is like a beautiful puzzle. To make a complete and beautiful puzzle you have to have all of the pieces and they have to be in their right place.

There is a very big dog, three mischievous cats and five children living in my house. A complete puzzle with all the pieces intact is a rare and amazing thing in my house.

Every puzzle I have ever owned has had pieces mutilated by a frustrated child who forced a wrong piece to fit in the wrong space. Pieces go missing and turn up years later long after to puzzle has been thrown out. Dogs eat pieces and cats do unmentionable things to cardboard.

If you lose a piece to the puzzle or the edges of the puzzle get frayed and torn, the beauty of the entire puzzle image will never completely come together.

We are each like one of those pieces. When we do not fulfill our role, force ourselves into spaces that don’t fit and aren’t right for us, get lost and try to be someone we are not, we affect the total face of the Human Puzzle.

For us to fulfill our destiny as a species, we need to each first fulfill our role in the Program.

(Of course, this is only the first step. But our power to influence and transform the world is strongest when we play our part in the Program.)

Think about this for a minute. What we see in the world is a reflection of our conditioning and our perception of ourselves. The world is a mirror of our consciousness.

(How many times have you read that you can’t truly love another until you love yourself first, right? Same principle.)

Human Design teaches us to love ourselves. That self love gives our lives direction.

When we love and accept ourselves, we learn to love and accept each other. Our lives take on a direction of sharing love and acceptance for others. What we want and allow for ourselves is what we want and allow for our Divine Siblings.

Today as we celebrate Independence Day, I invite you to think about your role in the Program. And to take a few minutes to say a prayer affirming we can soon live in a world that is beautifully aligned with the Program.

A world where all individuals are consciously free to choose, have equal power and voice. A world where all people are free, valued, safe, well-fed, cared for, educated, healthy and abundant in every way.

Remember that what we focus on is where we create growth in our lives and the world.

I am so grateful for the freedom to be able to consciously choose. I am so grateful for a Program that has lovingly given direction to my life and blessed me with unspeakable abundance.

I am so very, very grateful for all of you who have graced me with the honor of helping you see your perfect and magnificent place in the Program.

And I am so excited to witness and support the continual evolution of humanity.

Let freedom ring!

Happy Fourth of July!

